
Animal Kingdom Welcome's First Baby African Elephant in Seven Years

Animal Kingdom Welcome's First Baby African Elephant in Seven Years

The arrival of a baby African elephant at Disney's Animal Kingdom is a momentous occasion, as it marks the first time in seven years that the park has welcomed a new calf of this species. The adorable newborn, named Corra, was born to proud mum Nadirah, and the two are currently bonding in a backstage area.

Weighing in at 218 pounds, Corra's birth resulted from meticulous planning through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Species Survival Plan, which aims to ensure the responsible breeding of endangered animals in managed care. This program is vital in conserving endangered species, and the success of Corra's birth is a testament to its effectiveness.

Nadirah became pregnant through natural breeding in early 2022, and throughout her nearly 22-month pregnancy, she received special care from the dedicated animal care team. The team's expertise and attention to detail were essential in ensuring the well-being of both Nadirah and her unborn calf.

Caring for a pregnant elephant and, eventually, her newborn calf is a complex process that requires a team of skilled and experienced Cast Members. Their dedication and unwavering commitment to the animals in their care make Disney's Animal Kingdom such a special place.

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