
Critically Endangered Cotton-Top Tamarin Triplets Born at Disney's Animal Kingdom

The Animals can be found in Discovery Island

Great news from Walt Disney World! The park has just welcomed the birth of three tiny and adorable cotton-top tamarin triplets. These animals are critically endangered, so their birth is a reason to celebrate.

The new babies have been spending time with their parents and siblings, and both mom and dad are taking care of them. They carry their young on their backs until they are around 14 weeks old.

Disney's Animal Kingdom welcomes a bundle of tiny, critically endangered cotton-top tamarin triplets!

You can visit the new babies and the rest of the family at Discovery Island in Disney's Animal Kingdom. Cotton-top tamarins usually give birth to twins in the wild every year, but triplets are very rare. There are less than 2,000 cotton-top tamarins left in the world, so it's important to protect them.

Disney's Animal Kingdom welcomes a bundle of tiny, critically endangered cotton-top tamarin triplets!

These animals have a distinctive tuft of white hair on their heads and live in forests in north-western Columbia. They can jump from tree trunk to tree trunk using their claws, and they communicate with each other through sounds. They eat fruit, flowers, nectar, and small prey like frogs, snails, and insects.

Disney's Animal Kingdom welcomes a bundle of tiny, critically endangered cotton-top tamarin triplets!
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