
Finally.... We have a Website!!

We've been promising it for ages and it's finally here!

After promising for two years and about 2,462 different revisions, we finally have a website! 

Mobile Website Version
Mobile Website Version

First, I am not a Web Developer, far from it. I have not made mockups on Figma, and I am certainly not an HTML, CSS, or Javascript Specialist! I am, however, determined to make this a success and ensure that it is a website everyone can refer to when planning their holiday to Florida. 

I love learning new skills and require them as part of my day job. However, this is an entirely different skill! It's kept me going through lockdowns and beyond. Like many, I have been suffering from mental health issues over the past year, and this has kept my mind busy, and I am pleased with the first live version.

I am not a writer; I fluffed all my High School Exams, including (English), and was told by a Junior School teacher that I would "Just get by in life". So I rely on spell check and grammar apps to ensure my type makes sense. But I want to prove that when you put your mind to it, you can achieve it. My son has recently been diagnosed with Dyslexia. I've always said that Exam Results are not the be and end-all. It's what you do beyond the exams that will shape your future. This might inspire him to overcome his diagnosis and spread his wings. 

If I'm honest, I have been bricking about publishing this website. What if that's wrong or looks rubbish or if people dislike it? Then today, I thought, what will be, will be. I can only improve and make the website better than it was yesterday. The website is going to take a lot of work! This leads me to what you can expect going forward. 

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